From time to time, I've been interested in the notion of free will and discussions about the phenomenon. The notion that we do or do not have "free will" has extremely committed adherents on both sides of the issue. I personally like to keep an open mind about these things. What strikes me about this discussion is that, as far as I can tell, it seems to be conducted on purely binary terms: we either do or do not have "free will" (and sorry for the air quotes, but until we can define the idea in terms that can be generally accepted, it will serve as a weasel word). But since the universe stubbornly refuses to be shoved into the little boxes we create for our convenience, I would like to explore the idea that free will exists on a spectrum where beings can have more or less ability to deviate from innate programming, or instinct, or the prodding of the autonomous nervous system -- however you want to characterize it. I have heard people argue that the Newtonian co...
The well-phrased, grammatically correct, occasionally thoughtless ravings of a linguaphile.