The word ‘values’ has taken on some unfortunate baggage. That happens to a lot of words. They go in and out of fashion. They become associated with Us or Them. They go from praiseworthy to pejorative and back again. It’s a pity about values , though. I just rewatched a movie, Pleasantville , that I hadn’t seen for quite a few years. It’s a charming and moving fable about a town trying to grapple with change. The protagonists in the movie are the people who felt hemmed in or smothered by the old ways and embraced the new. The antagonists were those who liked the old ways, for whom the change was scary, and who clung doggedly to the old ways. The word Values was dragged out to the town square and tarred and feathered, metaphorically, by virtue of being uttered by the chief antagonist, and by being the thing that stood in opposition to the change at the heart of the movie. The reason it’s a pity is that we do ourselves a disservice in a couple of different ways. Fir...
The well-phrased, grammatically correct, occasionally thoughtless ravings of a linguaphile.