I would like to weigh in on the current political trend of states banning abortion. Alabama started the trend, and we haven't seen the last of it. I've always maintained that if we want to understand a problem, we need to look at it like we would a sculpture, that is, something with three-dimensions that we have to view from many different angles to fully understand. Complex problems must be understood from several different perspectives if we ever hope to address them wisely and well. Our current tendency in the US is to view certain hot-button topics from the political, left-right perspective. There is possibly some value to this, but it is very limiting to ONLY see problems through this lens as we often tend to do. And the political point of view is perhaps the least useful of any perspective when confronting a difficult and contentious issue such as abortion because the parties involved have no interest in reaching a common ground. And so they just end up talking past ea...
The well-phrased, grammatically correct, occasionally thoughtless ravings of a linguaphile.