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Showing posts from October, 2015

Guns and Clubs

Every week or two, it seems we have a mass shooting of some sort. After each one of these incidents, there is a brief but intense salvo of opinions flying around -- the pro-guns vs. the anti-guns. Both sides have favorite talking points that the other side finds ridiculous. The problem is that nothing productive ever emerges from this seemingly endless and pointless tug of war. After each round of bloviating bombast, most people turn back to their everyday concerns and we leave the families of the dead to nurse the wounds of their loss. According to the Internet, Albert Einstein once said something like this: "We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them." I just read about an idea that lies outside the feckless back and forth rut we've gotten ourselves into. It represents a different level of thinking. I'd like to know what you all think. In this country, we love our guns. Some people think they're necessary to maintain our free...