In this election season, we hear phrases like this one all too often: "I just want the government out of my business" (or out of my life, school, wallet, etc.) This is an understandable attitude that reflects a natural desire for independence and autonomy. The thought is: just leave me and my money alone and I'll take care of my own business. I don't want you imposing your rules, regulations or morals on me. I will live my life, raise my children and conduct my business as I see fit. I understand the social contract that says my rights end at the edge of my property, but within my property, they are sovereign and I won't allow them to be infringed upon. What I would like to suggest is that our ability to take this attitude is something we should be profoundly grateful for. And we should think twice before we say that we wish to exorcise the government from all our affairs. Be careful what you wish for! What is it that we take for granted? We have all grown up ...
The well-phrased, grammatically correct, occasionally thoughtless ravings of a linguaphile.